Quale metrica avanzata dovrebbero utilizzare gli scommettitori: KenPom o Sagarin?

Dicembre 8, 2023

Per quanto riguarda le scommesse sul basket universitario, parametri come le classifiche KenPom e Sagarin sono cruciali per guidare le decisioni degli scommettitori. Questi sistemi computerizzati forniscono previsioni sui risultati delle partite e sui margini di vittoria, che i bookmaker spesso considerano quando stabiliscono le loro quote. Sebbene entrambi i parametri offrano informazioni preziose, gli scommettitori spesso si chiedono su quale fare affidamento per una maggiore precisione e maggiori possibilità di successo.

Classifiche KenPom e Sagarin

KenPom e Sagarin sono due importanti sistemi di classificazione matematica per prevedere i risultati delle partite di basket universitarie. KenPom, sviluppato da Ken Pomeroy, valuta i punti di forza delle squadre senza tenere conto di infortuni o elementi emotivi. La sua formula incorpora statistiche come percentuale di tiro, margine di vittoria e forza del programma, fornendo valutazioni di efficienza offensiva, difensiva e complessiva. D’altro canto, le classifiche di Sagarin mirano a raggiungere lo stesso obiettivo predittivo ma impiegano un algoritmo diverso che deve essere più trasparente.

Il processo decisionale per gli scommettitori

Gli scommettitori possono sfruttare sia le classifiche KenPom che quelle di Sagarin per prendere decisioni informate. In genere, questi parametri si allineano perfettamente, ma le divergenze possono offrire opportunità per scommesse di valore. Quando c’è una differenza significativa nei risultati previsti tra KenPom e Sagarin, i bookmaker spesso si orientano verso KenPom, adeguando le loro linee di conseguenza. Gli scommettitori possono analizzare queste discrepanze e considerare di schierarsi con la metrica più accurata.

Confronto della precisione

Un confronto di accuratezza tra KenPom e Sagarin rivela intuizioni intriganti. Nei casi in cui entrambi i parametri divergono e la diffusione effettiva dei punti si trova nel mezzo, KenPom tende ad essere più accurato. Uno studio su un campione di piccole dimensioni delle partite di power conference della stagione 2018-19 ha mostrato la percentuale di precisione più elevata di KenPom nel prevedere i margini di vittoria rispetto a Sagarin. Inoltre, quando il differenziale di punti effettivo è superiore o inferiore a entrambe le previsioni, le quote dei bookmaker tendono ad essere più vicine al risultato, suggerendo che gli oddsmaker considerano fattori aggiuntivi come infortuni, precedenti di testa a testa e prestazioni recenti.

Considerando gli infortuni

Sia i parametri KenPom che quelli di Sagarin presentano limitazioni nella contabilizzazione degli infortuni. Presumono che le squadre si comporteranno in modo simile alle loro prestazioni passate, ignorando i potenziali impatti derivanti dalle assenze dei giocatori chiave. Gli scommettitori, tuttavia, possono trarre vantaggio da questa limitazione monitorando attentamente le notizie sugli infortuni e utilizzando parametri e informazioni relative agli infortuni per fare previsioni più accurate. Nelle situazioni in cui i bookmaker potrebbero inizialmente valutare erroneamente l’impatto degli infortuni, gli scommettitori possono trovare valore scommettendo contro reazioni eccessive.

KenPom contro Sagarin contro scommesse sportive: risultati monitorati

Per mantenere la trasparenza, di seguito vengono forniti i risultati tracciati utilizzati per valutare l’accuratezza delle classifiche di KenPom e Sagarin rispetto agli effettivi spread di punti di uno specifico bookmaker online e ai risultati delle partite di basket universitarie.


Stagione 2018-19          
Abbinamento Diffusione KP Abbassamento. Diffusione Spread effettivo delle scommesse sportive Risultato Porta via
Duke at Notre Dame (Jan. 28) Duke -14 Duke -14.28 Duke -15.5 Duke wins (83-61) and covers. Sagarin era più preciso di KenPom; il bookmaker era più accurato di entrambi.
TCU at Texas Tech (Jan. 28) TT -5 TT -4.26 TT – 5.5 TT wins (84-65) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Baylor at Oklahoma (Jan. 28) Okla. -7 Okla. -6.77 Okla. -5.5 Baylor wins (77-47) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
MD Eastern Shore at Howard (Jan. 28) Howard -15 Howard -11.85 Howard -13.5 Howard wins (72-57) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
NC Central at Savannah St (Jan. 28) NCCU -3 NCCU -4.78 NCCU -2.5 NC Central wins (82-78) and covers KenPom and Sagarin were even; both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Georgia at Arkansas (Jan. 29) Ark. -7 Ark. -5.98 Ark. -7.5 Arkansas wins (70-60) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Tennessee at South Carolina (Jan. 29) Tenn. -12 Tenn. -10.61 Tenn. -8.5 Tennessee wins (92-70) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Pittsburgh at Clemson (Jan. 29) Clem. -6 Clem. -7.46 Clem. -9.5 Clemson wins (82-69) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Kansas at Texas (Jan. 29) Texas -1 Kansas -2.69 Texas -1.5 Texas wins (73-63) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Lipscomb at Liberty (Jan. 29) Liberty -4 Liberty -0.02 Liberty -2.5 Lipscomb wins (79-59) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Ohio at No. Illinois (Jan. 29) No. Ill. -9 No. Ill. -6.34 No. Ill. -4.5 No. Ill. wins (71-60) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
North Carolina at Ga. Tech (Jan. 29) UNC -8 UNC -9.31 UNC -11.0 UNC wins (77-54) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Virginia at NC St. (Jan. 29) UVA -10 UVA -7.23 UVA -7.5 Virginia wins (66-65 OT). NC St. covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Missouri St. at Valparaiso (Jan. 29) Valpo.  -1 Valpo. -2.46 Missouri St. -3.5 Missouri St. wins (55-54 OT). Valpo. covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Marquette at Butler (Jan. 30) Butler -1 Marquette -0.34 Butler -2.5 Marquette wins) 76-58) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Indiana at Rutgers (Jan. 30) Indiana -2 Indiana – 4.94 Indiana -1.5 Rutgers wins (66-58) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Providence at Seton Hall (Jan. 30) Seton Hall -5 Seton Hall -2.69 Seton Hall -4.5 Seton Hall wins (65-63). Providence covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was also more accurate than KenPom.
West Virginia at Iowa St. (Jan. 30) Iowa St. -15 Iowa St. -11.17 Iowa St. -12.5 Iowa St. wins (93-68) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
St. John’s at Creighton (Jan. 30) Creighton -5 Creighton – 3.66 Creighton -4.0 St. John’s wins (83-67) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Illinois at Minnesota (Jan. 30) Minn. -6 Minn. -7.28 Minn. -6.5 Minnesota wins (86-75) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
UCLA at Wash. St. (Jan. 30) UCLA -6 UCLA -7.13 UCLA -4.5 UCLA wins (87-67) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
USC at Washington (Jan. 30) Wash. -9 Wash. -6.96 Wash. -7.0 Washington wins (75-62) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Iona at Marist (Jan. 31) Iona -2 Iona -0.10 Iona -1.0 Marist wins (78-74) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
La. Monroe at Coastal Carolina (Jan. 31) C.C. -4 C.C. -3.03 C.C. – 1.5 Coastal Carolina wins (92-81) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
So. Miss at Fla. Int. (Jan. 31) So. Miss. -2 So. Miss. -0.05 Fla. Int -1.0 So. Miss. wins (89-73) and covers. KenPom was more accurate Sagarin and the sportsbook. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Temple at Houston (Jan. 31) Houston -12 Houston -10.82 Houston -9.5 Houston wins (73-66). Temple covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Tulane at East Carolina (Jan. 31) E. Car. -6 E. Car. -4.49 E. Car. -5.0 East Carolina wins (66-65). Tulane covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
UTEP at Marshall (Jan. 31) Marshall -9 Marshall -10.40 Marshall -9.5 Marshall wins (91-86). UTEP covers. KenPom was more accurate Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Tenn. Martin at Tenn. St. (Jan. 31) Tenn. St -5 Tenn. St. -3.78 Tenn. St. -4.5 Tenn St. wins (68-67). Tenn. Martin covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
UConn at UCF (Jan. 31) UFC -6 UCF – 7.93 UCF – 7.5 UCF wins (73-67). UConn covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
UMKC at New Mex. St. (Jan. 31) NM St. -15 NM St. -18.77 NM St. -16.5 NM St. wins (70-54). UMKC covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Portland St. at Weber St. Weber -12 Weber -10.68 Weber -9.0 Portland St. wins (76-75) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Pepperdine at Portland (Jan. 31) Pepp. -7 Pepp. -5.39 Pepp. -4.5 Pepp. wins (83-58) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Gonzaga at BYU (Jan. 31) Gonzaga – 15 Gonzaga -13.49 Gonzaga -14.5 Gonzaga wins (93-63) and covers. KenPom was more accurate Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Penn at Cornell (Feb. 1) Penn -4 Penn. -6.57 Penn. -6.0 Cornell wins (80-71) and covers. KenPom was more accurate Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
North Dakota at Western Ill. (Feb. 1) W. Ill -5 W. Ill. -2.46 W. Ill – 3.0 N. Dak. wins (74-73) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Davidson at St. Bonaventure (Feb. 1) Dav. -1 Dav. -3.08 Dav. -1.5 Davidson wins (75-66) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Michigan at Iowa (Feb. 1) UM -4 UM -3.42 UM -5.5 Iowa wins (74-59) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Colgate at Lehigh (Feb. 4) Lehigh -4 Lehigh – 5.07 Lehigh -5.0 Colgate wins (84-62) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Fairfield at Siena (Feb. 4) Siena -5 Siena – 3.97 Siena -4.5 Siena wins (61-5) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Marist at Canisius (Feb. 4) Canisius -5 Canisius -6.11 Canisius -4.5 Marist wins (78-71 OT) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
NC Cent. at Fla. A&M (Feb. 4) Fla. A&M -4 Fla. A&M -1.17 Fla. A&M -2.0 Fla. A&M wins (73-57) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Savannah St. at MD East. Shore (Feb. 4) Savannah St. -3 Savannah St. -0.92 Savannah St. -2.0 Savannah St. wins (68-63) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
S. Car. St. at Delaware St. (Feb. 4) S. Car. St. -4 S. Car. St. -5.25 S. Car. St. -4.5 Delaware St. wins (70-68) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Penn St. at Northwestern (Feb. 4) Northwestern -5 Northwestern -4.88 Northwestern -3.5 Penn St. wins (59-52) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Ala. A&M at Tex. Southern (Feb. 4) Tex. Southern -18 Tex. Southern -16.54 Tex. Southern -17.5 Tex. Southern wins (84-74). Ala. A&M covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Ark. Pine Bluff at Jackson St. (Feb. 4) Jackson St. -5 Jackson St. -3.27 Jackson St. -4.5 Jackson St. wins (65-52) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Iowa St. at Oklahoma (Feb. 4) Iowa St -2 Okla -0.33 Iowa St. -3.0 Iowa St. wins (74-73). Okla covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
West Virginia at Texas Tech (Feb. 4) TT -13 TT -10.85 TT – 12.0 Texas Tech wins (80-51) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
S. Utah at Idaho St. (Feb. 4) S. Utah -4 S. Utah -1.51 S. Utah -5.0 S. Utah wins (75-64) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Bowling Green at W. Mich. (Feb. 5) B.G. -6 B.g. -3.14 B.G. -5.5 Bowling Green wins (85-72) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Drake at Loyola-Chicago (Feb. 5) Loyola-Chi. -2 Loyola-Chi. -3.62 Loyola-Chi. -7.0 Loyola-Chi. wins (86-64) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Miami Oh. at Kent St. (Feb. 5) Kent St. -3 Kent St. -4.42 Kent St. -4.0 Kent St. wins (70-67). Miami-Oh. covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Mich St. at Illinois (Feb. 5) Mich St. -12 Mich St. -12.56 Mich St. -10.0 Illinois wins (79-74) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Pitt at Wake Forest (Feb. 5) Pitt -5 Pitt -2.96 Pitt – 3.0 W.F. wins (78-76 OT) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
St. Joseph’s at La Salle (Feb. 5) La Salle -2 St. Joe’s -0.82 La Salle -1.5 La Salle wins (83-69) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Ball St. at UNI (Feb. 5) UNI -3 UNI -1.97 UNI -2.5 Ball St. wins (72-71) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Florida at Auburn (Feb. 5) Auburn -7 Auburn -6.97 Auburn -8.0 Auburn wins (76-62) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Utah St. at Fresno St. (Feb. 5) Utah St -1 Fresno St. -2.03 Utah St. -2.0 Utah St. wins (82-81). Fresno St. covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
San Diego St. at New Mexico (Feb. 5) N.M -1 SD St. -1.25 SD St. -2.5 N.M. wins (83-70) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Fordham at UMass (Feb. 6) UMass -7 UMass-8.02 UMass -5.5 Fordham wins (85-67) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Kennesaw St. at Jacksonville (Feb. 6) Jacksonville -13 Jacksonville -10.83 Jacksonville -11.5 Jacksonville wins (82-73). KST covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Lipscomb at North Fla. (Feb. 6) Lipscomb -12 Lipscomb -9.66 Lipscomb -11.0 Lipscomb wins (92-55) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
New Hampshire at UMass-Lowell (Feb. 6) UMass-Lowell -16 UMass-Lowell -11.30 UMass-Lowell -13.5 UMass-Lowell wins (72-62). UNH covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Notre Dame at Miami (Feb. 6) Miami -3 Miami -2.09 Miami -3.5 Miami wins (62-47) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Rhode Is. at Davidson (Feb. 6) Davidson -6 Davidson -5.66 Davidson -5.0 Davidson wins (68-53) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Texas A&M at Ole Miss (Feb. 6) Ole Miss -11 Ole Miss -8.04 Ole Miss – 9.0 Ole Miss wins (75-71). A&M covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Georgetown at Providence (Feb. 6) Providence -4 Providence -4.26 Providence -5.5 Georgetown wins (76-67) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Bradley at UNI (Feb. 6) UNI -5 UNI -3.93 UNI -4.5 Bradley wins (79-71) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Creighton at Villanova (Feb. 6) Villanova -8 Villanova -9.77 Villanova -9.0 Villanova wins (66-59 OT). Creighton covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
SE Louisiana at Texas A&M C.C. (Feb. 6) Texas A&M C.C. -5 Texas A&M C.C. -3.23 Texas A&M C.C. -3.5 SE Louisiana wins (64-58) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
So. Ill at Missouri St. (Feb. 6) Missouri St. -3 Missouri St. -1.09 Missouri St. -4.5 Missouri St. (65-59) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
SFA at Houston Bapt.(Feb. 6) Houston Bapt. -3 SFA -0.94 Houston Bapt. -1.5 SFA wins (79-77) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Georgia at Alabama (Feb. 6) Alabama -9 Alabama -7.22 Alabama -8.0 Alabama wins (89-74) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Wisconsin at Minnesota (Feb. 6) Wisconsin -4 Wisconsin -3.64 Wisconsin -2.5 Wisconsin wins (56-51) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Nevada at Colorado St. (Feb. 6) Nevada -12 Nevada -14.20 Nevada -13.0 Nevada wins (98-82) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Kent St. at Akron (Feb. 8) Akron -6 Akron -2.73 Akron -4.0 Akron wins (72-53) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Penn at Brown (Feb. 8) Brown -3 Brown -0.01 Brown -1.0 Penn wins (92-82) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Cornell at Dartmouth (Feb. 8) Dartmouth -7 Dartmouth -3.69 Dartmouth -3.5 Cornell wins (83-80) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Ga. Southern at UL Monroe (Feb. 8) UL Monroe -1 Ga. Southern -0.40 PK UL Monroe wins (88-79) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Ga. State at Louisiana (Feb. 8) Ga. State -3 Ga. State -1.86 Louisiana -1.0 Louisiana wins (76-72) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Columbia at Harvard (Feb. 8) Harvard -14 Harvard -13.97 Harvard -10.5 Harvard wins (98-96 OT). Columbia covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. The sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Canisius at Rider (Feb. 8) Rider -8 Rider -6.60 Rider -9.0 Canisius wins (81-80) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
St. Louis at St. Joseph’s (Feb. 8) St. Louis -3 St. Louis -0.97 St. Louis -2.5 St. Joe’s wins (91-61) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Princeton at Yale (Feb. 8) Yale -9 Yale -7.87 Yale -8.0 Yale wins (74-60) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook. The sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
2017-18 Season          
Matchup KP Spread Sag. Spread Actual Spread Outcome Takeaway
Bucknell at Lafayette (Jan. 8) Bucknell -7 Bucknell -9.5 Bucknell -11.0 Bucknell wins (80-75 OT), Lafayette covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was too high on Bucknell.
Jackson St. at Southern (Jan. 8) Southern -6 Southern -5.12 Southern -7.0 Jackson State wins (65-61) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was too high on Jackson State.
Baylor at West Virginia (Jan. 9) W.V. -8 W.V. -13.4 W.V. -9.5 West Virginia wins (57-54); Baylor covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was too high on WV.
Texas Tech at Oklahoma (Jan. 9) T.T. -1 Okla. -2.2 Okla. -2.0 Okla. wins (75-65) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook (slightly); the sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Butler at Creighton (Jan. 9) Creighton -7 Creighton -6.4 Creighton -7.0 Creighton wins (85-74) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin.
Purdue at Michigan (Jan. 9) Purdue -2 Purdue -2.4 Pur -2.0 Purdue wins (70-69); Michigan covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin.
Ole Miss at Auburn (Jan. 9) Aub. -12 Aub. -17.0 Aub. -10.5 Auburn wins (85-70) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was too high on Ole Miss.
Dayton at Richmond (Jan. 9) Dayton -1 Dayton -5.4 Dayton -2.5 Dayton wins (87-81) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Kansas at Iowa State (Jan. 9) Kansas -9 Kansas -20 Kansas -16.0 Kansas wins (83-78); Iowa State covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook.
Syracuse at Virginia (Jan. 9) Virginia -12 Virginia -15.75 Virginia -9.5 Virginia wins (68-61); Syracuse covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Duke at Pittsburgh (Jan. 10) Duke -14 Duke -16.01 Duke -20.0 Duke wins (87-52) and covers Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Louisville at Florida State (Jan. 10) FSU -6 FSU -9.82 FSU -6.0 Louisville wins (73-69) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; KenPom tied with the sportsbook.
OK State at Kansas State (Jan. 10) Kansas State -5 Kansas State -5.99 Kansas State -3.0 Kansas State wins (86-82) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin.
Colorado at USC (Jan. 10) USC -10 USC -8.69 USC -11.0 USC wins (70-58) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Va. Tech at Wake Forest (Jan. 10) Wake -1 Va. Tech -2.43 Wake -2.0 Va. Tech wins (83-75) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Duke at Miami (Jan. 15) Duke -2 Duke -2.3 Duke -4.0 Duke wins (83-75) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Kansas at West Virginia (Jan. 15) WV -3 WV -4.6 WV -5.5 Kansas wins (71-66) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook.
Illinois at Nebraska (Jan. 15) Nebraska -5 Nebraska -7.74 Nebraska -4.5 Nebraska wins (64-63); Illinois covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
DePaul at Marquette (Jan. 15) Marquette -10 Marquette -14.99 Marquette -9.5 Marquette wins (70-52) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Cincinnati at UCF (Jan. 16) Cincinnati -6 Cincinnati -6.04 Cincinnati -7.5 Cincinnati wins (49-38) and covers. Sagarin was slightly more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Purdue at Wisconsin (Jan. 16) Purdue -17 Purdue -23.04 Purdue -14.5 Purdue wins (78-50) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; both metrics were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Clemson at North Carolina (Jan. 16) UNC -6 UNC -5.06 UNC -7.5 UNC wins (87-79) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Oklahoma at Kansas State (Jan. 16) Okla. -1 Okla. -4.73 Okla. -2.0 K-State wins (87-69) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook.
Kentucky at South Carolina (Jan. 16) UK -3 UK -4.08 UK -1.5 So. Car. wins (76-68) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
SMU at Wichita State (Jan. 17) Wich. St. -7.5 Wich. St. -13.01 Wich. St. -8.5 SMU wins (83-78) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook.
Auburn at Alabama (Jan. 17) Auburn -1 Auburn -4.00 Auburn -2.0 Alabama wins (76-71) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook.
St. John’s at Xavier (Jan. 17) Xavier -12 Xavier -14.73 Xavier -11.5 Xavier wins (88-82); St. John’s covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Iowa State at TCU (Jan. 17) TCU -12 TCU -13.56 TCU -10.5 TCU wins (96-73) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom. Both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Arizona St. at Stanford (Jan. 17) ASU -5 ASU -8.20 ASU -3.5 Stanford wins (86-77) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Illinois at Wisconsin (Jan. 19) Wisc. -4 Wisc. -5.41 Wisc. -4.5 Wisc. wins (75-50) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate that KenPom.
St. Bonaventure at Davidson (Jan. 19) Dav. -4 St. Bon. -1.53 Dav. -5.0 Davidson wins (83-73) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Arizona at Wash. St. (Jan. 31) Ari. -8 Ari. -10.50 Ari. -12.0 Arizona wins (100-72) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
LSU at Tennessee (Jan. 31) Tenn. -11 Tenn.-12.28 Tenn. -9.5 Tennessee wins (84-61) and covers.  Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Missouri at Alabama (Jan. 31) Bama -3 Bama -3.52 Bama -5.5 Missouri wins (69-60) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; both were more accurate than the sportsbook.
Florida St. at Wake Forest (Jan. 31) FSU -4 FSU -7.07 FSU -4.5 Wake wins (76-72) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Fairfield at Monmouth (Feb. 2) Mon. -7 Mon. -6.78 Mon. -2.5 Fairfield wins (79-78) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Canisius at Marist (Feb. 2) Can. -7 Can. -9.13 Can. -8.0 Canisius wins (73-67); Marist covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Harvard at Columbia (Feb. 2) Pick’em Harvard -3.10 Harvard -1.5 Columbia wins (83-76) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Illinois Chicago at Oakland (Feb. 2) Oak. -9 Oak. -11.27 Oak. -8.0 Ill.-Chi. wins (79-73) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
Indiana at Rutgers (Feb. 5) Rutgers -1 Indiana -0.88 Indiana -3.0 Indiana wins (65-43) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
West Virginia at Oklahoma (Feb. 5) Okla. -1  Okla. -3.49  Okla. -3.0 W.V. wins (757-73) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook; the sportsbook  was more accurate than Sagarin.
Southern at Jackson St. (Feb. 5) Jack. St -1 Jack. St -5.06 Jack. St -2.0 Southern wins (67-62) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate than Sagarin.
Colorado State at Air Force (Feb. 6) Pick’em Air Force -0.48 Air Force -2.5 Air Force wins (78-73) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was more accurate than both.
So. Car at Arkansas (Feb. 6) Ark. -6 Ark. -8.96 Ark. -7.0 Ark.wins (81-65) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom; the sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Missouri St. at Indiana St. (Feb. 6) Ind. St. -3  Ind. St. -0.59  Ind. St. -1.5 Missouri St. wins (81-62) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate than KenPom.
Xavier at Butler (Feb. 6) Butler -3 Xavier -0.54 Butler -3.5 Xavier wins (98-93) and covers. Sagarin was more accurate than KenPom and the sportsbook; the sportsbook was more accurate than the sportsbook.
Tennessee at Kentucky (Feb. 6) Tenn. -2 UK -0.47 UK -1.5 Tenn. wins (61-59) and covers. KenPom was more accurate than Sagarin and the sportsbook; Sagarin was more accurate than the sportsbook.


Nelle scommesse sul basket universitario, l’utilizzo di sistemi di previsione come KenPom e Sagarin può aumentare le tue possibilità di successo. Sebbene non esista una formula infallibile per vincere ogni scommessa, i dati storici indicano che le previsioni di KenPom sono spesso più accurate di quelle di Sagarin. Quando KenPom e Sagarin differiscono sui risultati previsti e il differenziale di punti effettivo si trova nel mezzo, gli scommettitori potrebbero trovare utile schierarsi con la previsione di KenPom. Inoltre, rimanere informati sulle notizie sugli infortuni può offrire ulteriori opportunità per prendere decisioni informate sulle scommesse.

Ricorda che le scommesse comportano sempre dei rischi ed è essenziale esercitare pratiche di gioco responsabili. Combinando KenPom, Sagarin e approfondimenti sulle notizie sugli infortuni, puoi prendere decisioni più informate e aumentare le tue possibilità di successo nelle scommesse sul basket universitario.

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